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Homelessness has many faces. There are many reasons our neighbors may lose housing. Homelessness can affect anyone…..someone you know….or someone in your family

“WHO is my neighbor?"

Sunday October 1, 2023 3:00pm St. John Bosco Room

Come join fellow parishioners and learn about the WHO

WHO= Winter Hospitality Overflow


  • What does WHO do for homeless families?


  • How do we (St. Joseph Church) participate in WHO?


  • Learn about the many different ways your family can be involved with WHO


  • Is it a safe environment?


  • Learn about the “New WHO”


  • Open forum for questions

Church: 400 S. Andresen Road, Vancouver, WA 98661

Parish Office: 6600 Highland Drive, Vancouver, WA 98661

(360) 696-4407

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