Parish Nurse
St. Joseph’s is starting a Parish Nurse Program to respond to the health needs of our
parish! We will discuss the basics of a Parish Nurse Program and our next steps for
starting this program. Plus, a member of the Parish Nurse Health Ministry team at
Sacred Heart Parish in Lacey will present about how their program is serving their
community’s needs. If you’re a healthcare worker or simply interested in
bringing this ministry to life, join us!
What is a Parish Nurse Program?
Unlike a hospital, the focus of this program is on the intentional care of the spirit by helping parishioners maintain or regain wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. A registered nurse and a team of parishioners combines nursing knowledge with spiritual care to practice wholistic faith health for parishioners.
To learn more about this program please contact Ian Salzman at 360-823-2832 or ians@stjoevan.org