Parish Garden
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest."
- Luke 10:2


The purpose of our garden
Now in its thirteenth season (2023) on campus, we continue to reap the bounty to offer those in need fresh vegetables from our garden. Along with David, a dedicated group of parishioners has been working diligently to plan, plant, nurture and cultivate the garden with the goal of harvesting primarily vegetables, herbs and flowers. The recipients of this bounty include St. Vincent de Paul (who in turn distributes to needy families in our local community) and flowers for the Arts and Decorations Committee to help beautify the church liturgies.
History of the Garden
The St. Joseph Parish Garden started out as an individual project under the stewardship of David Martel, a long-time parishioner and graduate of St. Joseph Catholic School. He had applied for and received 'seed' money from the CRS Rice Bowl special collection to start a garden whose harvest would go to St. Vincent de Paul here in Vancouver.
How to get involved
Do you have a green thumb or just enjoy working with your hands in rich organic soil? All seeds, plants, tools, and supplies are provided, and the time commitment is flexible. Parish and school families are welcome to participate in the garden. The season runs from spring until late fall. For more information, please contact Anne Stephens at