The celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony is a great moment of joy in the Parish family! The Church community stands up before God and acknowledges their own commitment to the couple who begin to live their vocation for the good of each other, the good of their future children, and the good of the Church. It is a time of special significance in the lives of the couple and all of us who support them.
Since Marriage significantly affects our relationship with the Church, we are eager to help engaged couples understand the meaning, grace and power of the Sacrament of Marriage.
The Catholic Church requires at least 6 months of preparation before a Catholic wedding in order to adequately prepare the couple for a fruitful, exclusive, and life-long sacramental marriage. One of the partners (or their parents) must be a registered and practicing member of our Parish Family.
Couples should contact Karissa Stone at marriage@stjoevan.org at least six months before the intended marriage date to discuss dates and begin the Marriage Preparation process.