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Caring for the altar is one of the ‘behind-the-scenes” ministries that can easily go unnoticed.  Those involved in this ministry meet typically on Friday mornings after daily Mass and spend some time cleaning the church and various housekeeping chores such as washing the glass doors, vacuuming the altar and tabernacle carpets, dusting the altar furniture, etc.



Caring for the altar linens is one of the ‘behind-the-scenes” ministries that can easily go unnoticed, and that allows for flexibility in scheduling.  Those involved in this ministry collect the Altar cloths used during Mass and during Communion Calls to the Sick and Homebound.  The cloths are taken home, soaked for purification and in preparation for laundering and ironing, then returned to the sacristy for future use.


Altar Servers offer themselves in service to the Eucharist by assisting the priest at liturgical functions, especially during the Sacrifice of the Mass.  Young or old, male or female, Altar Servers prayerfully prepare for their special ministry and set an example of reverence for the Eucharist, and respectful church demeanor.


Ordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion are those consecrated in the Sacrament of Holy Orders:  bishops, priests and deacons.  Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion are lay people who are commissioned to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion when a sufficient number of Ordinary Ministers are not available or to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. 



Greeters are the first person people meet as they enter the church.  They help set a welcoming atmosphere by smiling, opening doors, shaking hands and engaging in friendly greeting and conversation.
Ushers are one of the first ministers people meet as they enter the church.  Ushers welcome, offer hospitality and direction, and help ensure the safety and smooth flow of the congregation.  Pre-Mass responsibilities include greeting people, holding doors, smiling and saying hello, helping to seat people when necessary.  During Mass, they assist with a count of the congregation, the collection, and with the Offertory and Communion processions.  After Mass, Ushers distribute the parish weekly bulletin and ensure that the church is tidy before they leave.  Ushers also offer assistance in other areas, depending on the liturgical season or event. Ushering is a wonderful opportunity for families to serve together in a ministry.
Junior Ushers are not yet 16 years old, are at least in the 6th grade, and have a parent who is also an Usher.  Junior Ushers are welcome to serve, providing their parents are ushering at the same Mass.


Lectors publically proclaim the Word of God (with the exception of the Gospel) and offer the Prayer of the Faithful.


Members of the Liturgical Environment Team work behind the scenes to decorate the narthex and liturgical space according to liturgical seasons and events. Artistic sense is not required, as the ministry can involve everything from ironing and sewing, watering flowers, helping haul boxes and setting up Christmas trees. Some tasks need to be done at the church. Some can be done at home. Time commitment varies and can be flexible, depending on the liturgical season. 


Live Stream Operator

The role of the live stream operator is to assure that the Mass is broadcast to the internet via live stream. The live stream operator manages the sound board and video equipment at the sound board on the south side of the church. They manage all cameras and ensure that the proper content is viewed and streamed online. Technical training is required.



The role of the MC is to coordinate with the presider, sacristans, music ministers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, greeters and ushers, and most importantly, the Altar Servers in preparation and execution of the Mass.



Sacristans are lay people who prepare the credence table for the Sacrifice of the Mass, coordinate Eucharistic Ministers and the Lector before Mass begins, clear the credence table and tend to the final purification of sacred vessels following Mass. This ministry involves proper and reverent handling of the sacred vessels, measuring sufficient amounts of unconsecrated hosts and wine for the offertory, and a solid understanding of Eucharistic Minister positions in general, and their respective responsibilities during Mass. Eucharistic Set-Up Ministers also serve as one of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist at the Mass for which they set up.

Church: 400 S. Andresen Road, Vancouver, WA 98661

Parish Office: 6600 Highland Drive, Vancouver, WA 98661​

(360) 696-4407

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