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Baptism is a joyous occasion not only for a family but for the church community as well. We, at St. Joseph, are thrilled to be a part of your family’s preparation and celebration.


Baptism for infants (birth to seven years) does involve preparation. At our parish, the preparation begins with a meeting involving at least one parent with the pastoral assistant responsible for baptism.  At the meeting families will receive all of the required forms necessary for baptism and a schedule for baptism classes. For children over the age of seven and adults, baptism is completed through RCIA.


To schedule a baptism meeting with Tracy Joy, email, or call 360-823-2833.

Church: 400 S. Andresen Road, Vancouver, WA 98661

Parish Office: 6600 Highland Drive, Vancouver, WA 98661​

(360) 696-4407

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